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王卉,副教授、硕士生导师。2003年获厦门大学化学化工学院化学系学士学位,同年被甄选直接进入厦门大学化学化工学院物理化学专业攻读博士学位,20091月获博士学位后,进入新加坡国立大学生物物理专业从事博士后工作。20111月进入122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站,并为122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站现代丝绸国家工程实验室成员。一直从事生物材料仿生微/纳米结构调控,及其与材料生物性能的相互关系的基础研究,并开展了医用骨修复治疗方面的应用研究。先后主持多项国家自然科学基金、省部级自然科学基金项目,并参与国家重点研发计划、中英国际合作等项目。在权威SCI期刊上发表多篇学术论文,包括ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 8.7), Applied Surface Science (IF 6.2), Chemical Communications (IF 6.0), International journal of nanomedicine (IF: 5.1), Small (IF: 11.5)等。获得省部级科学进步二等奖一项,市级科学进步二等奖一项。多次在国内国际重要学术会议上作学术报告,并担任国际著名学术期刊ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (IF 8.7), Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF: 9.0), ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering (IF 4.2), Journal of Materials Chemistry B (IF 5.3)等的审稿工作。




2. 厦门市科技进步二等奖

3. Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 杂志高被引文章奖


2. 主持南通市市级科技项目计划-应用基础研究(工业创新项目)“具有独特纳微结构的钙磷盐/蚕丝蛋白复合功能材料”,2017/07-2019/07

3. 主持国家自然基金NSFC青年科学基金项目”基于超亲-超疏水特性模板的具有仿生纳微结构的图案化细胞生长基底”,2013/01~2015/12

4. 主持江苏省自然科学基金基础研究计划--面上研究项目”电化学沉积制备具有纳微多级结构的无机/丝蛋白复合生物材料”,2011/07~2014/12


6. 主持江苏省高校自然科学研究面上资助项目”蚕丝蛋白生物材料表面亲疏水阵列微图案的可控制备”2011/09~2013/12.

7. 主持2012江苏高校省级重点实验室开放研究课题”高性能石墨烯/蚕丝蛋白复合生物医学材料的研究”,2012/01~2013/12

8. 参与2019年国家自然科学基金委员会与英国皇家学会合作交流项目(中国122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站-英国牛津大学), “仿生微/纳结构的丝素蛋白基生物材料对干细胞转录组影响的比较分析”,2019/04~2021/03

9. 参与新加坡科研基金项目Academic Research Fund (AcRF)Mimicking Of Hard Tissue Formation And Implication To Human Health Care 2009

10. 参与国家863项目(2003AA302230),国家自然科学基金项目(2042300220620130427)等


  1. Yun-Fei Shao, Xiangcheng Qing, Yizhong Peng, Hui Wang* (通讯作者), Zengwu Shao, Ke-Qin Zhang*. Enhancement of mechanical and biological performance on hydroxyapatite/silk fibroin scaffolds facilitated by microwave- assistedmineralization strategy, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2021, 197: 111401.

  2. 拜凤姣,王卉* (通讯作者),陈晓敏,吴晨星,张克勤. 丝素蛋白基纺织材料及其在生物医学领域的应用研究进展. 材料导报2020, 34(4): 7154-7160.

  3. Ya Yang, Hui Wang* (通讯作者), Jia-Chen Zhu, Yun-Fei Shao, Feng-Jiao Bai, Xiao-Min Chen, Xinming Li, Mingyu Guo, Zengwu Shao, and Ke-Qin Zhang*. Silk fibroin assisted cathodic electrolytic deposition of calcium phosphate for biomedical applications. ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 2019, 5, 4302-4310.

  4. 朱佳晨,王卉* (通讯作者),张克勤. 生物材料表面具有特定几何形状的微纳结构对细胞生长行为的影响. 现代化工2019, 39(11): 35-39.

  5. 王彤彤, 王卉* (通讯作者), 张克勤. 生物三维打印再生丝素蛋白材料的研究进展. 现代化工2018, 38(11): 44-47.

  6. Yu Qi, Hui Wang* (通讯作者), Kai Wei, Ya Yang, Ru-Yue Zheng, Ick Soo Kim, Ke-Qin Zhang*. A review of structure construction of silk fibroin biomaterials from single structures to multi-level structures. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2017, 18(3): 237.

  7. Ya Yang, Hui Wang* (通讯作者), Feng-Yi Yan, Yu Qi, Yue-Kun Lai, Dong-Mei Zeng, Guoqiang Chen, and Ke-Qin Zhang*. Bioinspired porous octacalcium phosphate/silk fibroin composite coating materials prepared by electrochemical deposition. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2015, 7(10): 5634-5642.

  8. Hui Wang*(通讯作者), Yue-Kun Lai, Ru-Yue Zheng, Ye Bian, Chang-Jian Lin, Ke-Qin Zhang. Tuning the surface microstructure of titanate coatings on titanium implants for enhancing bioactivity of implants. International journal of nanomedicine 2015, 10: 3887-3896.

  9. Hui Wang, Xiang Yang Liu, Yon Jin Chuah, James C. H. Goh, Jing Liang Li, Hongyao Xu. Design and engineering of silk fibroin scaffolds with biomimetic hierarchical structures. Chemical Communications, 2013, 49:1431-1433.

  10. Hui Wang, Ke-Qin Zhang. Photonic Crystal Structures with Tunable Structure Color as Colorimetric Sensors. Sensors, 2013, 13:4192-4213.

  11. Hui Wang, Chang-jian Lin, Ren Hu, Ke-qin Zhang, Hong-ping Duan, Xiang Dong. Study on Hydrogen Bubble Template Fabrication of porous biomaterials coating by using an electrochemically induced deposition. Electrochemistry, 2013, 19(6): 501-506.

  12. Hui Wang, Changjian Lin, Ren Hu. Effects of structure and composition of the CaP composite coatings on apatite formation and bioactivity in simulated body fluid. Applied Surface Science, 2009, 255: 4074-4081.

  13. Hui Wang, Changjian Lin, Ren Hu, Fan Zhang, Liwen Lin. A novel nano-micro structured octacalcium phosphate/protein composite coating on titanium by using an electrochemically induced deposition. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 2008, 87A: 698-705.

  14. Hui Wang, Ren Hu, Changjian Lin. Electrochemically-induced deposition of protein and calcium phosphate coating on titanium. Key Engineering Materials, 2007, 334-335: 1253-1256.

  15. Hui Wang, Changjian Lin, Ren Hu, Yanli Xu. Electrochemical deposition of nano-micro structured octacalcium phosphate/protein composite coating on titanium for biomedical applications. Electrochemical Society Transactions, 2007, 3: 21-26.

  16. Dong-Mei Zeng, Jue-Jing Pan, Qun Wang, Xin-Fang Liu, Hui Wang, Ke-Qin Zhang*. Controlling silk fibroin microspheres via molecular weight distribution. Materials Science & Engineering C 2015, 50: 226–233.

  17. Liwen Lin, Hui Wang, Ming Ni, Yunfeng Rui, Tian-Yuan Cheng, Cheng-Kung Cheng, Xiaohua Pan, Gang Li*, Changjian Lin*. Enhanced osteointegration of medical titanium implant with surface modifications in micro/nanoscale structures. Journal of Orthopaedic Translation 2014, 2: 35-42.

  18. Jian-Ying Huang, Yue-Kun Lai*, Fei Pan, Lei Yang, Hui Wang, Ke-Qin Zhang,* Harald Fuchs, and Li-Feng Chi*. Multifunctional superamphiphobic TiO2 nanostructure surfaces with facile wettability and adhesion engineering. Small 2014, 10(23): 4865–4873.

  19. Mingliang Jia, Ning Qi, Qing Dong, Hui Wang, Ke-Qin Zhang. Flexible and transparent reduced graphene oxide and silk fibroin composite films with kilo-ohm square resistance. International Journal of Nanotechnology, 2014, 11: 298-310.

  20. Yuekun Lai, Yuxin Tang, Jianying Huang, Hui Wang, Huaqiong Li, Dangguo Gong, Xian bai Ji, Jiaojiao Gong, Changjian Lin, Lan Sun, Zhong Chen. Multi-functional hybrid protonated titanate nanobelts with tunable wettability. Soft Matter, 2011, 7(13): 6313-6319.

  21. Yuekun Lai, Yongxia Huang, Hui Wang, Jianying Huang, Zhong Chen, Changjian Lin. Selective formation of ordered arrays of octacalcium phosphate ribbons on TiO2 nanotube surface by template-assisted electrodeposition. Colloids and Surfaces B-Biointerfaces, 2010, 76: 117-122.

  22. Ren Hu, Changjian Lin, Hui Wang, Tao Tao. Modulation effects of collagen on the structure of electrochemically deposited hydroxyapatite coating. Materials Letters, 2010, 64: 915-917.

  23. Ren Hu, Changjian Lin, Haiyan Shi, Hui Wang. Electrochemical deposition mechanism of calcium phosphate coating in dilute Ca-P electrolyte system. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2009, 115: 718-723.

  24. Yuekun Lai, Changjian Lin, Hui Wang, Jianying Huang, Huifang Zhuang, Lan Sun. Superhydrophilic–superhydrophobic micropattern on TiO2 nanotube films by photocatalytic lithography. Electrochemistry Communications, 2008, 10(3): 387-391.

  25. Yafei Zhang, Hui Wang, Ronggui Du, Changjian Lin. Study on the preparation of calcium phosphate coatings on Ti substrate by electrochemical deposition under different conditions. Journal of Functional Materials, 2008, 3: 473-475.
