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刘福娟,副教授,硕士生导师。2010年获东华大学纺织学院纺织材料与纺织品设计专业博士学位。20099月至20108月在美国密歇根大学化学系访学一年。迄今为止主持国家自然科学基金、省部级项目、博士后基金和横向项目等10余项,发表SCIEI论文40多篇,申请国家专利30项和国际PCT专利3项,已授权发明专利10多项,获省部级奖项6项,市厅级奖1项。主要学术兼职为担任Journal of Research Updates in Polymer Science, Advances in Materials和现代纺织技术期刊编委,担任Textile Research Journal, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and DevicesThermal Science等国际SCI杂志审稿人。指导的研究生曾获得国家奖学金,特等奖学金,优秀研究生干部和优秀毕业研究生等荣誉。







  1. International Research Awards onNew Science Inventions,Best researcher award, 2022

  2. 第六届江苏省“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛,优秀指导教师,2020

  3. 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站,教学先进个人,2020


  1. 2022年中国商业联合会科技进步奖,二等奖(1/11

  2. 2021年“纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖,二等奖(3/10

  3. 2021年江苏省科学技术奖,三等奖(3/7

  4. 2020年“纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖,二等奖(2/8

  5. 2016年中国膜工业协会科学技术奖,二等奖(3/10

  6. 2016年“纺织之光”中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖,三等奖2/6

  7. 2015年江苏省轻工业协会科学技术奖励,三等奖(3/10


  1. 校企合作项目,2022.5-2024.4,主持。

  2. 中国纺织工业联合会科技指导性项目,2019.7-2021.6主持。

  3. 南通市科技计划项目,2019.9-2021.8,主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2015.1-2017.12,主持。

  5. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2014.7-2017.6,主持。

  6. 中国博士后第62 批面上项目,2017.3-2019.3主持。

  7. 国家级大学生创新创业训练计划重点项目,2015.7-2017.6,指导老师。

  8. 南通市科技计划项目,2016.10-2018.9,主持。

  9. 中国博士后第55批面上项目,2014.1-2015.12,主持。


  1. Rujing Xue, Guoliang Liu, Fujuan Liu*, A simple and efficient method for the preparation of        SiO2/PI/AF aerogel composite fabrics and their thermal insulation performance, Ceramics International, 2023, 49, pp. 210-215.

  2. Fujuan Liu*, Ting Zhang, Chun-Hui He, Dan Tian. Thermal oscillation arising in a heat shock of a porous hierarchy and its application, Facta Universitatis: Mechanical Engineering, 2022, 20(3), pp. 633-645.

  3. Rujing Xue, Fujuan Liu*, A fractional model and its application to heat prevention coating with cocoon-like hierarchy, Thermal Science, 26(3), pp. 2493-2498, 2022.

  4. Yina Zhuge, Fujuan Liu*, Chunhui He, Mathematical analysis of the thermal response of cocoon porous hierarchical structure caused by a sudden thermal shock, Special Topics & Reviews in Porous Media: An International Journal, 2022, DOI: 10.1615/SpecialTopicsRevPorousMedia.2022045448.

  5. Rujing Xue, Xiaoxuan Mo, Fujuan Liu*, Tussah cocoon's biomechanism: Fractal insight and experimental verification, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 169, 107089, 2021.

  6. Ni Yin, Fujuan Liu*, Nanofibrous Filters for PM2.5 Filtration: Conception, Mechanism and Progress, Nano, 16(4), 2130004, 2021.

  7. Xiaoxuan Mo, Yehu Lu, Fujuan Liu*, Research on the Design and Performance of Multilayer Textiles with a Cocoon-like Hierarchy, The journal of the textile institute, 113(12), pp. 2722-2731, 2021.

  8. 薛如晶,莫晓璇,刘福娟*4种家蚕茧壳的结构、性能,纺织学报2021,42(10): 41-46.

  9. Xiaoxuan Mo, Ni Yin, Fujuan Liu*, Preparation of different scale fibrous membranes and  their filtration properties, Thermal Science, 25(2B), pp. 1-7, 2021.

  10. Huanhuan Xu, Wei Fang, Lan Xu*, Fujuan Liu*, Batch Preparation of CuO/ZnO-Loaded Nanofiber Membranes for Photocatalytic Degradation of Organic Dyes, Langmuir, 36(47), pp. 14189-14202, 2020.

  11. Fujuan Liu, Xijia Zhang, Xin Li, Silkworm cocoon (bombyx mori) vs wild cocoon: multi-layer structure and performance characterization, Thermal Science, 23(4), pp. 2135-2142, 2019.

  12. Yue Fang, Fujuan Liu*, Lan Xu, Ping wang, Jihuan He, Preparation of PLGA/MWCNT Composite Nanofibers by Airflow Bubble-Spinning and Their Characterization, Polymers, 10, 2018.

  13. Fujuan Liu*, Shaokai Li, Yue Fang, Fangfang Zheng, Junhua Li, Jihuan He, Fabrication of highly oriented nanoporous fibers via airflow bubble-spinning, Applied Surface Science, 421, pp. 61-67, 2017.

  14. Shaokai Li, Fujuan Liu*, Fangfang Zheng, Yue Fang, Junhua Li, Jihuan He, Effect of Ultrasonic Vibration on the Morphology of Bubble-electrospun Nanofibers, Fibers and polymers, 16(11), pp. 2432-2436, 2015.

  15. Ya Li, Rouxi Chen, Fujuan Liu*Comparison between Electrospun and Bubbfil-spun Polyether Sulfone FibersMateria-Rio de Janeiro, 19(4), pp. 363-369, 2014.

  16. Fujuan Liu, Qiuna Cui, Jihuan He, Dongdong Fei, Preparation, Characterization and Ionizing Radiation Protection Properties of Electrospun Nanofibrous Mats Embedded with Erbium Oxide (Er2O3) Nanoparticles, Journal of Nano Research, 27, pp. 121-127, 2014.

  17. Jun Zhou, Fujuan Liu*, Ji-huan He*, On Richards’equation for water transport in unsaturated soils and porous fabrics, Computers and Geotechnics, 54, pp. 69-71, 2013.


  1. 一种水车式气泡纺丝装置,2022.5.13,中国,ZL 202110177961.X

  2. 基于分形自相似结构的仿生纺织品,2020.4.10,中国,ZL 201810745538.3

  3. 一种功能化复合多孔材料的制备方法,2019.4.26,中国,ZL 201610300686.5

  4. 一种制备纳米多孔纤维的气泡纺丝装置及气泡纺丝方法,2018.8.7,中国,ZL201510967671.X

  5. 一种制备纳米复合纤维的气泡纺丝装置及气泡纺丝方法,2017.10.31,中国,ZL 201510969725.6

  6. 一种制备电离辐射防护材料的方法,2016.1.20,中国,ZL 201310628880.2

  7. 气泡静电纺丝装置,2015.8.19,中国,ZL 201210204011.2

  8. 微纳米生物活性多孔材料的制备方法,2015.3.25,中国,ZL 201310628920.3

  9. 静电纺丝装置,2014.10.22,中国,ZL 2012 1 0245532.2

  10. 静电纺丝装置,2015.3.25,中国,ZL 2012 1 0241044.4

  11. 用于制备纳米多孔纤维的静电纺丝装置,2016.8.17,中国,ZL 2013 1 0597327.7

  12. 可调节聚合物射流速度的静电纺丝装置,2016.3.2,中国,ZL 2013 1 0153383.1

  13. 可调聚合物溶液粘度的静电纺丝装置,2016.8.17,中国,ZL 201310597147.9

  14. 利用静电纺丝技术制备纳米多孔材料的方法,2015.11.25,中国,ZL 2013 1 0151102.9


E-mail: liufujuan@suda.edu.cn