122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站学术报告:Textile composite reinforcements and thermoplastic prepregs, their mechanical characterisations, forming process and forming simulations


报告题目:Textile composite reinforcements and thermoplastic prepregs, their mechanical characterisations, forming process and forming simulations



报告摘要:Over the last three decades, Liquid Composite Molding (LCM) and Prepregs thermoforming are recognized more and more by industries to produce the big, thick, light and strong advanced composite parts. As the first stage in LCM and the principal stage in prepregs thermoforming processes, the textile reinforcements forming plays an important role during the composites manufacturing. The forming may be difficult to control and can lead to the defects when the parts have the high curvatures and large deformations. Once the forming defects are created, they cannot be removed or modified in the following manufacturing steps and consequently stay in the final composite parts. In order to manufacture the advanced composites without defects, the first study should be addressed to the first step or the principal step of the whole manufacturing process. On the other hand, good knowledge of the mechanical properties of the textile reinforcements is necessary to optimize the composite manufacturing process, in particular for the textile reinforcements with the advanced structure. The present work concerns at first the investigation of the multiscale characterisation of mechanical properties of the new/developed textile composites, especially the influence of the structural and processing parameters. In order to improve the quality of the textile composites, the feasibility forming conditions of their reinforcements will be studied through the experimental and numerical simulation approaches.

报告人简介:王鹏,男,工学博士,机械及纺织复合材料工程师,教授,博士生导师,目前就职于法国国立高等纺织工程师学院(ENSAIT) ,工程科学系负责人,校科学委员会和改进委员会委员2001年毕业于西安交通大学汽车工程系,获学士学位。2004年毕业于法国巴黎第六大学机械学院,获硕士学位。2006年毕业于法国圣艾蒂安高等矿业工程师学院,获工程师学位并于2010年获机械及复合材料工程学博士学位。2012年开始在法国鲁贝国立高等纺织工程师学院任教,2018评为博士生导师, 20192月获得教授资格。法国复合材料协会及法国先进纺织材料协会永久会员。2018法国教育和科研部颁发的最佳科研奖"获得者。若干国际杂志(Composites Part AComposites Part BComposite Structures, Composites Science and TechnologyTextile research journalAdvanced Engineering Materials)的评审委员并于2017Composites Part BComposite Structures期刊优秀审稿人。主要从事纺织复合材料先进成型工艺及材料结构的优化,工艺仿真模拟,纺织复合材料增强铺层及纺织复合材料的力学性能检测评估优化等方面的研究。现领导一个8名博士研究生和3名硕士研究生的多学科团队,自2010年以来,主持和参与了2项欧盟FP7研究项目,5项法国国家级科研项目(ANR, FUI)10余项企业资助的科研项目,合作的企业包括欧洲空客集团、法国直升机公司、法国航空发动机公司、法国雷诺汽车集团、HEXCEL公司、Schappe techniqueEco-technilin、迪卡农运动商品集团等。先后在国际专业SCI期刊上发表大约30余篇论文,在国际会议上发表60余篇论文,并出版专著4部。