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周宇阳202110月至今任122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站优秀青年学者/讲师硕士生导师,纺织行业天然染料重点实验室骨干成员2018122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站纺织化学染整工程专业工学博士学位。曾于2017.9-2018.9赴瑞典University of Borås纺织系访学从事纺织品数码印花技术研究2019.5-2020.8任香港理工大学(PolyU)博士后研究员,从事绿色阻燃复合材料研究;2020.9-2021.8 任爱尔兰都柏林大学(UCD)研发工程师(Lv2从事抗菌抗病毒高分子薄膜研发,2022.7起从事企业博士后项目研究(兼职),入选2022年江苏省“双创博士”人才计划目前以第一/通讯作者发表SCI论文26篇,其中SCI一区论文12篇,影响因子合计178,总引用800余次,单篇最高引用120次,h因子17;已授权发明专利3项。《印染》青年编委、《Materials》特刊客座编辑,Journal of Cleaner Production; Materials Science and Engineering C; Fibers and Polymers; Composites Communications学术期刊审稿人。







2023  2025  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 在研

2023  2024  中国博士后科学基金第72批面上资助项目 在研

2023 2024  江苏省纺织印染节能减排与清洁生产工程中心开放课题 在研

2022  2023  生物基纺织材料清洁生产与高值利用湖北省工程实验室开放基金项目 在研

2021  2023  浙江省清洁染整技术研究重点实验室开放基金项目 在研

20162017江苏省普通高校学术学位研究生创新计划项目 已结题


2020  2021  Controlled Synthesis and Production of Biodegradable PDLLA for High Value-added Micro-fluidic Chips (20/FIP/PL/8741) 爱尔兰SFI项目 已结题

20202021  Development of Plastic Packaging Film Resistant to Covid-19 (20/COV/0310)爱尔兰SFI项目 已结题

2020  2022  胍基活化过氧化氢体系构建及对棉纤维低温漂白机制(QJRZ1902)开放基金项目 已结题

2019 2020 Multifunctional PLAFilaments with MXene Nanosheets(ITS-031-18)香港ITF 项目 已结题





2018 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站学术标兵

2017 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站博士研究生国家奖学金

2017 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站校优秀研究生干部

2016 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站博士研究生学业奖学金特等奖

2015 122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站优秀毕业研究生


  1. Zhou, Y.,* Wang, X., Li, Y., Wang, W.,* Gilchrist, M.D., Zhang, N.* (2022) Towards the scalable fabrication of fully bio-based antimicrobial and UVB-blocking transparent polylactic acid films that incorporate natural coatings and nanopatterns. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2022, 14,54338–54348(IF 10.383)

  2. Zhou, Y.,* Zhang, W. (2022) Nucleophilic modification of flavonoids for enhanced solubility and photostability towards uniform colouration, bio-activation and ultraviolet-proof finishing of silk fabric. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 15,104343. (IF 6.212)

  3. Zhou, Y.,* Tawiah, B., Wang, L., Li, Q. (2022) Enhancing the affinity and adsorption efficiency of Glochidion ericarpum Champ leave extract to cotton for colouristic and functional properties integrating trimethyl chitosan and ultrasonic technique. Industrial Crops and Products, 186, 115255. (IF 6.449)

  4. Zhou, Y., Fletcher, N.F., Zhang, N., Hassan, J., Gilchrist, M.D. (2021). Enhancement of antiviral effect of plastic film against SARS-CoV-2: Combining nanomaterials and nanopatterns with scalability for mass manufacturing. Nano Letters, 21, 10149−10156.(IF 12.262)

  5. Li, Q., Zhang, N., Ni, L., Wei, Z., Quan, H.,* Zhou, Y.*(2021) One-pot high efficiency low temperature ultrasonic-assisted strategy for fully bio-based coloristic, anti-pilling, antistatic, bioactive and reinforced cashmere using grape seed proanthocyanidins. Journal of Cleaner Production, 315C, 128148. (IF 11.072)

  6. Zhou, Y., Lin, Y., Tawiah, B., Sun, J., Yuen, R.K.K., Fei, B. (2021) DOPO decorated two-dimensional MXene (Ti3C2–DOPO) nanosheets for flame retardant, ultraviolet protective and reinforced polylactide composite. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 13, 21876−21887.(IF 10.383)

  7. Zhou, Y., Tawiah, B., Noor, N., Zhang, Z., Sun, J., Yuen, R.K.K., Fei, B. (2021) A facile and sustainable approach for simultaneously flame retarded, UV protective and reinforced poly(lactic acid) composites using fully bio-based complexing couples. Composites Part B: Engineering, 215, 108833.(IF 11.322)

  8. Li, Q., Ni, L., Wang, J., Quan, H.,*Zhou, Y.*(2020) Establishing an ultrasound-assisted activated peroxide system for efficient and sustainable scouring-bleaching of cotton/spandex fabric. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 68C, 105220.(IF 9.336)

  9. Zhou, Y.,* Yang, Z.-Y., Tang, R.-C. (2020). Facile and green preparation of bioactive and UV protective silkmaterials using the extract from red radish (Raphanus sativus L.)through adsorption technique. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 13,32763285. (IF 6.212)

  10. Zhou, Y.,*Yu,J., Biswas, T., Tang, R.-C., Nierstrasz, V.(2019). Inkjet printing of curcumin-based ink for coloration and bioactivation of polyamide, silk and wool fabrics. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 7(2), 20732082. (IF 9.224)

  11. Zhou, Y.,Tang, R.-C., Xing, T., Guan, J.-P., Chen, G, Shen, Z.-H., Zhai, A.-D. (2019). Flavonoids-metal salts combination: A facile and efficient route for enhancing the flame retardancy of silk. Industrial Crops and Products, 130, 580591. (IF 6.449)

  12. Zhou, Y., Yang, Z.-Y., Tang, R.-C. (2018). Green and facile fabrication of AgNPs@silk for colorful and multifunctional textiles using baicalin as a natural reductant. Journal of Cleaner Production, 170, 940–949. (IF 11.072)

  13. Zhou, Y., Tang, R.-C. (2018). Facile and eco-friendly fabrication of AgNPs coated silk for antibacterial and antioxidant textiles using honeysuckle extract. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology, B: Biology, 178C, 463–471. (IF 6.814)

  14. Zhou, Y., Tang, R.-C. (2018). Facile and eco-friendly fabrication of colored and bioactive silk materials using silver nanoparticles synthesized by two flavonoids. Polymers, 10(4), 404–418. (IF 4.967)

  15. Zhou, Y., Tang, R.-C. (2017). Natural flavonoid-functionalized silk fiber presenting antibacterial, antioxidant, and UV protection performance.ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 5, 10518–10526. (IF 9.224)

  16. Zhou, Y., Yang, Z.-Y., Tang, R.-C. (2016). Bioactive and UV protective silk materials containing baicalin—The multifunctional plant extract from Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. Materials Science and Engineering C, 67, 336–344. (IF 8.457)

  17. Zhou, Y., Tang, R.-C. (2016). Modification of curcumin with a reactive UV absorber and its dyeing and functional properties for silk. Dyes and Pigments, 134, 203–211. (IF 5.122)

  18. Zhou, Y., Zhang, J., Tang, R.-C., Zhang, J. (2015).Simultaneous dyeing and functionalization of silk with three natural yellow dyes. Industrial Crops and Products, 64, 224–232. (IF 6.449)

  19. Tawiah, B.,Zhou, Y.,Yuen, R. K. K., Sun, J., Fei, B. (2020) Microporous boron based intumescent macrocycle flame retardant for poly(lacticacid) with excellent UV protection. Chemical Engineering Journal, 402, 126209. (IF 16.744)

  20. Abate, M.T., Zhou, Y., Guan, J., Chen, G., Ferri, A., Nierstrasz, V. (2020). Colouration and bio-activation of polyester fabric with curcumin insupercritical CO2: Part II  Effect of dye concentration on the colour andfunctional properties. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 157, 104703. (IF 4.514)

  21. Shahid, M., Zhou, Y., Cheng, X., Zar, M.S., Chen, G., Tang, R.-C. (2018). Ferulic acid promoted in-situ generation of AgNPs@silk as functional colorants. Journal of Cleaner Production, 176C, 736–744.(IF 11.072)

  22. Shahid, M., Zhou, Y., Tang, R.-C., Chen, G. (2017). Colourful and antioxidant silk with chlorogenic acid: process development and optimization by central composite design. Dyes and Pigments, 138, 30–38. (IF 5.122)


[1] 唐人成,周宇阳. 一种提高姜黄素水溶性及溶液光稳定性的方法. 中国发明专利. ZL 201510673523.7.

[2] 唐人成,周宇阳,曾红先,李晓琼. 一种提高粘胶/甲壳素共混纤维生物活性的方法. 中国发明专利. ZL 201611062023.0

[3] 周宇阳,唐人成. 改性蚕丝织物及其制备方法. 中国发明专利. ZL 201710542556.7


