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2. 2018年江苏省“双创计划”科技副总

3. 2020年第三届“丽洋杯”大赛 优秀指导老师

4. 2021年中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖“一等奖”(8/10

5. 2022年122cc太阳集成游戏官方网站创新创业创意大赛 优秀指导老师

6. 2023年江苏省铸造学会科学技术进步一等奖(1/7

7. 2023年河南省国防科学技术进步一等奖(5/8

8. 2023年中国纺织工业联合会纺织高等教育教学成果奖“特等奖”(3/5


1. 2022年,芜湖市核心技术攻关项目,2022hg16,主持,在研

2. 2022年,中国纺织工业联合协会科技指导性项目,2022035,主持,在研

3. 2019年,江苏省自然科学基金(面上项目),BK20191192,主持,已结题

4. 2019年,中国博士后面上基金,2019M661934,主持,已结题

5. 2019年,江苏省博士后基金,2019K210,主持,已结题

6. 2019年,江苏省高校重点实验室开放课题,KJS1931,主持,已结题

7. 2018年,太仓市产学研联合创新资金项目,TC2018KJFZ05,主持,已结题

8. 2017年,国家自然科学基金(青年项目),51705113,主持,已结题

9. 2017年,太仓市基础研究计划项目,TC2017YYJC02,主持,已结题

10. 2017年,军民融合类科技成果培育项目,GK168800299102,主持,已结题


1. JY Xue, RN Han, YM Ge, LP Liu, Y Yang*. Preparation, mechanical, acoustic and thermal properties of silica composite aerogel using wet-laid glass fiber felt as scaffold. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 2024, 179: 108058.

2. X Cao, Y Liu, Q Sun, T Che, C Wu*, Y Yang*. CNTs/PVA Composite aerogel for efficient microwave and acoustic absorption. Composite Structures 2024, 329: 117805.

3. YM Ge, JY Xue, LP Liu, Y Yang*. Preparation and sound insulation of honeycomb composite structures filled with glass fiber. Polymer Composites 2024, 45: 1649-1663.

4. YM Ge, JY Xue, LP Liu, H Wan, Y Yang*. Advances in multiple assembly acoustic structural design strategies for honeycomb composites: A review. Materials Today Communications 2024, 38: 108013.

5. J Hu, P Wang, JY Xue, RN Han*, TZ Xu, Y Hong*, Y Yang*. The influence of hybrid effect on mechanical properties and acoustic performance of hybrid fiber wet laid felts. Cellulose 2023, 30: 5519-5533.

6. J Hu; XJ Li; RN Han; JY Xue; ZY Zhang; J Peng; JY Tian; Y Yang*. Effect of papermaking technique parameters on air permeability and sound insulation of glass fiber felts. Journal of Industrial Textiles 2023, 53: 1-14.

7. JY Xue, RN Han*, YM Li, JX Zhang, JX Liu*, Y Yang*. Advances in multiple reinforcement strategies and applications for silica aerogel.  Journal of Materials Science 2023, 58: 14255-14283.

8. YM Ge, SS Wang, RN Han, J Peng, ZY Zang, Y Hong*, Y Yang*. Application of Kansei Engineering in aircraft design. Industria Textila 2023, 74: 534-541.

9. Y Liu, SQ Zhu, Z Zhang, Q Sun, C Wu, WB Gong*, LX Kang*, Y Yang*. Molten salt synthesis of high quality 2D δ-MnO2 nanosheets for advanced aqueous Zn/MnO2 batteries. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2023, 957: 170362.

10. Q Sun, S. Zhu, Z Shen, Y Liu, C Wu*, LX Kang*, Y Yang*. Molten-salt assisted synthesis of two-dimensional materials and energy storage application. Materials Today Chemistry 2023, 29: 101419.

11. J Hu, RN Han*, Y Yang*. Preparation and Physical Properties Evaluation of glass/wood Pulp Fibers wet-laid Felts. Journal of Natural Fibers 2022, 19: 13415-13425.

12. J Hu, JX Zhang, RN Han*, Y Yang*. Correlation between glass fiber suspension characteristics and physical of glass fiber felt: Role of beating time and speed. Journal of Industrial Textiles 2022, 51: 1528S-1541S.

13. H Shen, Y Yang*, P Wang, Y Hong, X Legrand, XH Yang, JK Wu. Effect of tufting technique on sound insulation of multi-layer glass woven fabrics. Materials Research Express 2020, 7: 095510.

14. L Wang, Y Yang*, ZF Chen, YY Hong, C Chen, JK Wu. Preparation and Characterization of a Type of Green Vacuum Insulation Panel Prepared with Straw Core Material. Materials 2020,13: 4604.

15. Z Chen, Y Yang*, TZ Xu, JF Hu, SQ Liu. Morphologies and characteristic of glass fiber suspensions basing on various beating speeds. Materials Express 2019, 9: 1043-1048.

16. Y Yang*, Z Chen, TZ Xu, C Wu, DE Awuye, ZF Chen. Comparing the uniformity of light glass fiber felt by process improvement and analysis of microstructure forming mechanism and physical properties. Textile Research Journal 2019, 89: 3447-3456.

17. Y Yang*, Z Chen, TZ Xu, RN Han, DE Awuye. Sound insulation and hydrophobic properties of phenolic resin modified melamine foam: role of micro-morphology. Materials Research Express 2019, 6: 075331.

18. Y Yang, Z Chen*, JX Zhang, GC Wang, RQ Zhang, DJ Suo*. Preparation and Applications of the Cellulose Nanocrystal. International Journal of Polymer Science 2019, 1767028.

19. Y Yang, ZF Chen*, YX Chen, L Zhang, HW Lu. Effect of physical and subsequent processing parameters of glass fiber felts on sound insulation. Journal of the Textile Institute 2018, 109: 614-619.

20. Y Yang, ZF Chen*, BB Li, LL Sha, Z Chen, C Wu, YM Li. Characterization of physical properties of centrifugal glass fiber felts and preparation technology. Journal of Industrial Textiles 2018, 47: 1121-1133.

21. Y Yang, BB Li, ZF Chen*, N Sui, Z Chen, TZ Xu, YF Li, RL Fu, Y Jing. Sound insulation of multi-layer glass-fiber felts: Role of morphology. Textile Research Journal 2017, 87: 261-269.

22.Y Yang*, TZ Xu, L Zhang, YX Chen, HW Lu, Z Chen, ZF Chen. Sound insulation of glass fiber felt composite structure via the flame blowing process. Fibers and Polymers 2017, 18: 2410-2416.

23. Y Yang, ZF Chen*, W Cao, Z Chen, SN Guan, YM Li, ST Bao. Effect of the number and stacking sequence of membranes in glass fiber felt composite structure on sound insulation. Fibers and polymers 2017, 18: 182-189.

24. Y Yang, BB Li, ZF Chen*, MU Saeed, Z Chen, CD Li, C Wu, YF Li, RL Fu. Effect of cross-sectional morphology and composite structure of glass fiber felts on their corresponding acoustic properties. Fibers and Polymers 2016, 17: 97-103.

25. Y Yang, BB Li*, ZF Chen*, N Sui, Z Chen, MU Saeed, YF Li, RL Fu, C Wu, Y Jing. Acoustic properties of glass fiber assembly-filled honeycomb sandwich panels. Composites Part B: engineering 2016, 96: 281-286.

26. Y Yang, ZF Chen*, Z Chen, YF Li, RL Fu, S Cui. Processing technique and uniformity affecting tensile strength and hydrophobicity properties of glass wool felt. Fibers and Polymers 2015, 16: 1587-1594.

27. Y Yang, ZF Chen*. A model for calculating the air flow resistivity of glass fiber felt. Applied Acoustics 2015, 91: 6-11.

28. Y Yang, Z Chen, ZF Chen*, RL Fu, YF Li. Sound insulation properties of sandwich structures on glass fiber felts. Fibers and Polymers 2015, 16: 1568-1577.


1. 一种三明治蜂窝内嵌耦合结构隔音板. ZL202210438297.4.

1. 一种蜂窝内嵌耦合结构复合材料及其制备方法. ZL202010010445.3.

2. 一种低容重隔音隔热玻璃纤维棉毡及其制备方法. ZL201510144043.1.

3.一种单层火焰纤维棉毡制备方法. ZL201310309164.8.

4. 一种厚度裁切装置. ZL201210268916.6.



E-Mail: yang_yong@suda.edu.cn, nuaayangy@126.com